Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


FIBGAR / Reports

Towards a European identity


Towards a European identity: the role of civil society organisations in the promotion of democratic memory policies. A comparative study

PATFox final project report


Final report of the PATFox project

ECtHR Case Law for Anti-SLAPP Defense


This document is intended to provide an analysis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (“the Court”) and summaries of pertinent decisions in order to provide practitioners with useful guidance on how to use these precedents to support their arguments against SLAPP lawsuits

The Anti-SLAPP Legal Toolkit


This guide aims at becoming a long-lasting companion to all those involved, now or in the future, in anti-SLAPP defence. It provides a step-by-step guide to the considerations that should inform a defence to a SLAPP suit and references useful resources produced by the PATFox project

Strategic Legal Communication


Strategic Legal Communication developed in the framework of the PATFox project

Case Study - SLAPP in Spain


The case of Iñaki Rivera is an important example of a SLAPP case in Spain. This report provides background information and a summary of the proceedings that took place in this case.

PATFox Guide to the Anti-SLAPP Directive


Guide to the provisions of the Anti-SLAPP Directive (English version).

ECtHR Case Law for Anti-SLAPP Defense


Analysis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (“the Court”) and summaries of pertinent decisions in order to provide practitioners with useful guidance on how to use these precedents to support their arguments against SLAPP lawsuits.

An Anti-SLAPP Curriculum for Lawyers in the European Union


Legal curriculum developed in the framework of the PATFOx project for the training of lawyers in SLAPP within the European Union

Informe Expandiendo tecnología de anonimización en Europa


Final report of the Expanding Anonymous Tipping (EAT) project

Safe or Sorry: Whistleblower Protection Laws in Europe Deliver Mixed Results

A change of direction

Report assessing the practical operation of whistleblower protection laws in Europe and examining the application of these laws in actual cases.

Informe comparativo en Protección de Alertadores

A change of direction

Individual reports and an Interactive Map clearly show the legal framework for whistleblowers in the 28 EU Member States in a layered manner. They not only analyse the existence of legislation dedicated to their protection, but also look at labour law, criminal law and other legal tools that can support whistleblowers, discourage disclosures or put their security at risk.

Gaps in the System: Whistleblower Laws in the EU

A change of direction

Report assessing the whistleblower protection laws of all EU Member States against nine internationally recognised standards.

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2018


Fourth report on the state of implementation of Universal Jurisdiction around the world. It illustrates the international momentum for accountability of perpetrators of international crimes through the study of 58 cases involving 126 suspects.

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2017


Third report on the situation of the application of Universal Jurisdiction in thirteen countries and the significant advances in this area during 2016, a document in which the Baltasar Garzón International Foundation has participated in a significant way, both for the current cases and for others that began in Spain.

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2016


Second report on the situation of the application of Universal Jurisdiction in twelve countries and the significant advances in this area during 2015, a document in which the Baltasar Garzón International Foundation has participated in a significant way, both for the current cases and for others that began in Spain.