Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


FIBGAR / Posts tagged "SLAPP"

Today, the European Parliament (EP) adopted the Directive on protecting persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded claims or abusive court proceedings (‘Strategic lawsuits against public participation’), informally known as Daphne’s Law in honour of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia In a landmark decision for freedom of expression and human rights advocacy, the EP...

The Pioneering Anti-SLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression (PATFOX) project, co-funded by the European Commission and led by FIBGAR, comes to an end with an event that will bring together the consortium partners to present the main achievements and legacy of the project.   The event "Improving Anti-SLAPP Defense: Lessons learned from the PATFOX Project", co-sponsored by...

Sosthène Munyemana genocide trial opens in Paris The trial of Sosthène Munyemana will take place from November 13 to December 22 at the criminal court in Paris, France. Munyemana, who was born in 1955 in Rwanda and practiced as a gynecologist in Butar, is charged with genocide, complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity and participation...

November 2 is the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of press freedom and the safety of journalists worldwide. Journalists play a fundamental role in our society by keeping us informed, uncovering corruption and fighting for the truth. However, many of them face...

October 25 is a significant day in the European calendar. Since 2003, the Council of Europe and the European Commission have decided to celebrate the "European Day of Justice" on this date. This commemoration reminds us of the importance of justice, human rights and the constant struggle for a more just society. It serves as a...

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, last September 21, FIBGAR held its third Anti-SLAPP seminar within the framework of the European project PATFox (Pioneering AntiSLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression). The event "Confronting SLAPPs: New Threats to Freedom of Expression and Information". was organized with the support of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB),...

On June 14, 2023, in the framework of the European project PATFox (Pioneering AntiSLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression) and with the support of the Illustrious Provincial Bar Association of A Coruña, we organized the training day "New threats to democracy: How to counteract SLAPPs".  The event was attended by lawyers, academics and representatives of ICA...

In the framework of the PATFOXproject, last May 17 2023 we gave the virtual conference "SLAPPs: new forms of abuse of the law", organized with the support of ELSA Barcelona UB.  ELSA is an international, independent, non-political and non-profit organization, run by and for students and recent graduates, who are interested in achieving academic and personal...

This week the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe-also known as the Council of Europe Summit-is taking place in Reykjavik to reinforce the Council's key mission of safeguarding and promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law.  This is the fourth Council of Europe Summit since its establishment...