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Unión Europea Tag

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Yesterday, July 2, the European Union's Anti-Drug Agency officially started its activities in Lisbon, replacing the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, which has been operating in Lisbon since 1995. This development is the result of the entry into force of the Regulation (EU) 2023/1322 of the European Parliament and of the Council of...

European Union: concern over new changes in asylum and migration policies European Union (EU) leaders have agreed on a stance against surges in arrivals at Europe's borders and cases of "instrumentalization" of migrants. This agreement would allow EU member states to deviate from the bloc' s usual asylum and reception rules. Amnesty International has expressed concern about...

Identificados los primeros restos de represaliados del Valle de Cuelgamuros Hace casi un mes comenzaron los trabajos para recuperar a 128 víctimas reclamadas por sus familias. Los técnicos que entraron en el mausoleo franquista han logrado sacar la caja 198, donde, entre otros, reposan los restos de los llamados “Los siete de Pajares de Adaja”, miembros...

Faced with an increase in cases of whistleblowers reporting wrongdoing within companies and public institutions, the European Union (hereinafter, the Union or the EU, indistinctly) was under pressure to establish a policy to protect whistleblowers, which eventually crystallized in Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law...

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has recently published the European Union Fundamental Rights Report 2023. This document reviews the achievements in this field during 2022 and identifies the main areas of concern. Thus, the report focuses mainly on the problems arising from the war in Ukraine and provides a comprehensive analysis of...

Adopción de Principios Comunes de la ONU para generaciones futuras El Sistema de las Naciones Unidas ha adoptado los Principios Comunes sobre las generaciones futuras con el objetivo de fortalecer el compromiso de los Estados miembros y las entidades del sistema de la ONU con el bienestar humano a largo plazo. Los principios buscan establecer una...