Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Author: Fibgar

FIBGAR / Articles posted by Fibgar (Page 6)

In view of the upcoming General Elections on July 23rd, 2023, the memorialist associations that make up the Truth Commission Platform demand that all candidates who are running for office assume a commitment in their proposals and programs on democratic memory policies, which facilitate the establishment in our country of knowledge of the claims of...

Identificados los primeros restos de represaliados del Valle de Cuelgamuros Hace casi un mes comenzaron los trabajos para recuperar a 128 víctimas reclamadas por sus familias. Los técnicos que entraron en el mausoleo franquista han logrado sacar la caja 198, donde, entre otros, reposan los restos de los llamados “Los siete de Pajares de Adaja”, miembros...

La importancia de la normativa europea en materia de inmigración y asilo El pasado 13 de junio se produjo el naufragio en aguas griegas del pesquero Adriana, en el que había a bordo más de 700 inmigrantes. El hundimiento de la embarcación en el mediterráneo supuso la muerte de, al menos, 78 de las más de...

Faced with an increase in cases of whistleblowers reporting wrongdoing within companies and public institutions, the European Union (hereinafter, the Union or the EU, indistinctly) was under pressure to establish a policy to protect whistleblowers, which eventually crystallized in Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law...

On June 14, 2023, in the framework of the European project PATFox (Pioneering AntiSLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression) and with the support of the Illustrious Provincial Bar Association of A Coruña, we organized the training day "New threats to democracy: How to counteract SLAPPs".  The event was attended by lawyers, academics and representatives of ICA...