Scholarship Programme for Indigenous and Afro-descendant Students
Education / Human rights
From 2019 to 2021, FIBGAR promoted a professionalisation programme for officers of the municipal police of Orizaba (Mexico) with the aim of providing theoretical and practical knowledge on human rights and the use of public force.
The training focused on various topics, including the guarantees of legal security, legality and due process, the right to dignified and respectful treatment, respect for personal liberty, security and integrity, the rights of persons deprived of their liberty and respect for individuals in custody, the right to privacy and prevention of torture in the use of public force.
In addition, they considered the recommendations of the Veracruz State Human Rights Commission on events that occurred in the locality so that the contents and the course itself could respond to citizen demand for improved attention by officials and the need to regain confidence in the public servants in charge of public security in the locality.
During the trainings, not only a theoretical approach was provided, but also work was done on concrete cases that took place in the municipality of Orizaba. The review of these cases made it possible to discuss the abuses that had occurred and to propose better ways of acting, integrating a human rights perspective.
Status: Completed
Place: Orizaba (Veracruz), México
Beneficiaries: Police officers
Partners: Municipality of Orizaba, Police training academy of Orizaba
Funder: Municipality of Orizaba
Area: Human rights