Scholarship Programme for Indigenous and Afro-descendant Students
Education / Human rights
From 2014 to 2018, FIBGAR organized training and awareness-raising days “And you, what do you know about human rights?” aimed at young people between 14 and 16 years of age.
This project was formulated in response to the social unrest currently prevailing in the country, where, for the first time in decades, the effects of the economic crisis have changed the approach to Human Rights.
In this way, it was identified the need to give priority attention to the empowerment of a culture committed to the promotion, development and defense of Human Rights in one of the groups most exposed to possible violations, deconstructing, first of all, the imaginary of resignation spread through the media and promoting at the same time the empowerment and self-recognition of young people as subjects of rights.
For more information on previous editions:
Cazorla Conference Report
Cazorla Conference Report
Cádiz Conference Report
Cadiz Conference Report
Status: Completed
Place: Andalucía, Spain
Beneficiaries: Estudiantes de 3º, 4º de ESO, 1º de bachillerato y ciclos formativos
Partners: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, centros educativos, organismos públicos
Funding: Diputación de Jaén, Diputación de Cádiz, Conselleria de Cultura de la Generalitat de Valencia, Ayuntamiento de Baena, Ayuntamiento de del Palma del Río
Strategic line: Human rights