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medio ambiente Tag

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Without massive investment and increased action, meeting the 2030 Agenda will remain a difficult challenge. In September 2015, the 193 members of the United Nations approved the well-known Agenda 2030, an ambitious project of the international community with the aim of fighting poverty, caring for the planet and reducing inequalities over the next fifteen years. Through...

In a global context where environmental awareness and care for the environment are at the top of political agendas, last Tuesday marked a significant milestone for Europe with the approval of a new regulation that increases the number of environmental offenses under European Union criminal law. The urgency of protecting our planet from highly damaging practices...

The State of Chile is condemned for a kidnapping case during the Pinochet dictatorship Within the framework of the civil proceeding, the State of Chile will be obliged to compensate Macarena Aguló Marchi for moral damages caused by her kidnapping, being qualified as a "victim of a crime against humanity" and, therefore, imprescriptible. Macarena Aguló Marchi was...

European Union: concern over new changes in asylum and migration policies European Union (EU) leaders have agreed on a stance against surges in arrivals at Europe's borders and cases of "instrumentalization" of migrants. This agreement would allow EU member states to deviate from the bloc' s usual asylum and reception rules. Amnesty International has expressed concern about...

Empresas y derechos humanos Cuando hablábamos de diligencia debida (due diligence) en el marco de las empresas, nos referíamos a la precaución razonable con la cual una empresa debía realizar un acuerdo, teniendo en cuenta los datos financieros y otros documentos de interés. El análisis de riesgos solo tenía en cuenta variables meramente económicas. Desde 2021,...

In the last 50 years, global plastic production has grown exponentially, leaving in its wake 9.2 billion tons of plastic between 1950 and 2017, as stated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Of that large amount of waste, 7 billion ended up between landfills and different natural environments, so that every minute the equivalent...

Nueva propuesta de Directiva europea contra la corrupción El 3 de mayo la Comisión Europea ha presentado un grupo de medidas para combatir la corrupción, tanto dentro como fuera de la Unión Europea. La nueva directiva busca armonizar la definición de delitos de corrupción entre los Estados miembros y proponer que ser político, alto funcionario, policía...

April 22, 2023 is International Mother Earth Day. This day focuses on emphasizing the importance of rebuilding our deteriorated relationship with nature. It is a worldwide awareness campaign that seeks to raise awareness of the threats to the well-being of the planet and the life it supports. The United Nations General Assembly declared April 22 International...

Corte Penal Internacional lanza nueva serie de videos educativos y base de datos jurisprudencial en idioma español La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) ha lanzado una nueva serie de videos educativos en diversos idiomas llamado “La Corte en Síntesis”, en los que expertos de la Corte y de la Secretaría de la Asamblea de los Estados Parte...