I International Congress on Universal Jurisdiction
Research / Universal jurisdiction
In 2018, FIBGAR launched the Universal Jurisdiction website, with the aim of providing a tool for the study and development of the principle of Universal Jurisdiction.
It is a project of collective elaboration, in which around thirty volunteers and students have participated, in addition to having had the collaboration and contributions of multiple academics and professionals in the field of law, as well as various pro-Human Rights activists from around the world, having formed an extensive and heterogeneous working group without which the launch of the portal would not have been possible.
In addition to being a collective project, the Universal Jurisdiction website is a project under construction.
More information here:
Estado: Finalizado
Lugar: Global
Beneficiarios: operadores jurídicos, academicos, sociedad civil
Colaboradores: Presidencia de la Nación Argentina, Ministerio de Relaciones exteriores y culto de la República de Argentina, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos, Ministerio de la cultura Presidencia de la Nación Argentina, FLACMA, Federación Argentina de Municipio
Financiador: Propia
Línea estratégica: Jurisdicción universal