I International Congress on Universal Jurisdiction
Research / Universal jurisdiction
In 2022, FIBGAR participated in the research project “The complex American current affairs: contributions for a positive evolution”, financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and directed by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law of San Remo (IIHL).
Together with other governmental and non-governmental entities, and university centres distributed in reference points of the Latin American region, FIBGAR investigated the scope of the current Latin American problem, intensified by the appearance of the Covid19 pandemic, analysed its mediate and immediate causes, identified its consequences, and examined the way in which all of this has affected the validity of the legal order (in particular IHL and IHL) and impacted on the most vulnerable groups of people.
The project aimed to generate proposals and recommendations for public policies and short, medium and long-term state strategies at the national and regional levels that would contribute to a positive evolution in the territory, including possible Italian cooperation actions in the region that respond to its national interests and contribute to strengthening its presence and soft power, as well as to the EU’s leadership in Latin America.
Status: Completed
Place: Spain
Beneficiaries: Latin America
Collaborators: Instituto Internacional De Derecho Humanitario De San Remo (IIHL), Universidad De Guadalajara, Universidad De Santo Tomás, Università Degli Studi Di Milano Bicocca, Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Universidad Del Salvador, Cesje, Fundación Global Thought, Comité Internacional De La Cruz Roja, Intersecta A.C., Gender Issues
Funder: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Italy)
Strategic line: Human rights