Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

CLASDE: Keys to understanding synergies between business and human rights

CLASDE: Keys to understanding synergies between business and human rights is a project funded by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation that aims to carry out activities to promote and disseminate human rights, with a special emphasis on the relationship between the private sector and fundamental rights.

Businesses operate in a global context, so their influence on human rights and people’s lives is significant and often complex. While there have been advances in the protection of human rights in the business sphere, it is clear that the negative impacts of business continue to leave a considerable footprint on people’s rights. Still, the private sector plays a large role in protecting human rights and advancing the 2030 Agenda, so it is important to address the need to promote responsible business practices that protect citizens and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The impact of business activities has generated a growing interest and concern that has driven the adoption of regulatory frameworks and policies to address this issue. This is because, from labor conditions to the inclusion of new technologies, companies have a great influence on people’s rights, so citizens must understand the importance of demanding that companies respect human rights in all their operations. This implies knowing and understanding international human rights principles and standards, as well as being aware of the ethical and responsible practices that companies should adopt.

These aspects of the private sphere, both their potential negative and positive influence on creating more just societies, are often little known among civil society actors, making it necessary to provide tools that bring together the possible intersections between business operations and activities and human rights, providing a holistic perspective that encompasses both the issues and opportunities that exist in these contexts. This approach is not only essential to ensure accountability and corporate responsibility but is also necessary for society as a whole to promote more just, equitable and sustainable populations.

This is why CLASDE proposes a series of free activities, open to all citizens:

  1. Free massive online course: a space for learning at European and international level, through an online course designed to explore the intersections between business performance and human rights. This course will be available to the entire Spanish-speaking public free of charge, allowing anyone to delve deeper into this crucial topic.
  2. An online seminar: civil society will be able to actively participate in the debate and reflection on the challenges and opportunities arising from the relationship between business and human rights. This meeting will provide a unique space for the exchange of ideas and the creation of collaborative networks.

With CLASDE, FIBGAR reaffirms its commitment to continue working in the defense and promotion of human rights, this time focusing on one of the key sectors of the 21st century: business.


Estado: En curso
Lugar: España
Beneficiarios: Alumnado en materias jurídicas o afines, funcionarios públicos y profesionales
Financiador: Secretaría de Estado de la Unión Europea del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación
Línea estratégica: Derechos humanos

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