Intersectoral Fora for Social Transition
Advocacy / Human rights
The objective of Human Rights on Stage is to contribute to the promotion and defense of the 30 articles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, generating alliances with artistic and cultural projects and spaces to turn artistic language into a catalyst to generate a culture of appropriation and defense of human rights.
Convinced that art and culture are vehicles for transmitting knowledge and ideas, capable of transforming spaces and realities, broadening the mind and showing us worlds we do not know, from the Baltasar Garzón International Foundation Mexico we developed the Human Rights on Stage project, which gathers all these benefits and uses them in a practical way for the appropriation, defense, propagation, promotion, development and full realization of the set of prerogatives based on human dignity in any corner of Mexico and whose effective realization is essential for the integral development of people.
Thus, through the integration of Human Rights into artistic and cultural language, such as painting, illustration, photography, music, scenic arts, poetry or any other, we seek and design practical, alternative, different and propositive ways to disseminate these prerogatives, mainly to those places where they are violated or are absent.
Proof of this are the various actions we have carried out with strategic allies, to whom we add our knowledge and experience on issues such as gender equity, interculturality, respect and care for the environment, freedom, justice, respect for victims and peace in the world, to their activities and actions in the artistic field.
In addition, we align the project with global efforts to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity, as part of the international sustainable development agenda (SDG), starting from local experience.
Status: Completed
Place: CDMX, City of Cuauhtémoc, Colonia La Laguinilla
Beneficiaries: Prosecutors, judicial police, citizens of Colombia
Collaborators: Secretaría de Cultura de la CDMX / Dirección del Sistema de Teatros de la CDMX / Diverse independent cultural groups and in continuous search of allies.
Funding: 502 men, women and children
Strategic line: Human rights